I've been a Software Engineer for a good long while, building large scale systems for fortune 500 companies (not as exciting as it sounds...). I try and keep up with other activities to keep me occupied and focused though, like rockclimbing, racing cars (when I have the time/money), drumming (for fun, no, my band will never "make it"), and even the occasional video game. As a hobby, I also try to write a few video games as an indie developer.
In my downtime, I hang with friends, geek out, etc. Good food, good drink, and good company are what's best in life.
Taking a line from the suggestions...My ideal superpower would have to be superspeed, everything else is a distant 2nd.

I stay in shape, and like to dress well, so I tend to keep up with male (and unavoidably, female) fashion. I'm often made fun of by my friends for enjoying to go out clothes/shoe shopping, and being a straight guy (not that there's anything wrong at all with playing for the other team).
I do have tattoos (only on my arms), and enjoy both tattooed and non-tattooed bodies, I think there's plenty of things that can be done to enhance the body, and some body's are happy without needing any.
I've made plenty of mistakes in life, but never the same one twice. It's something of a code I live by. That, and that I'll try anything once. Those two sometimes go hand in hand I find...
During the winter, I especially enjoy snuggling up with someone and watching movies, or a good TV series together. I love learning about and exploring other people's minds. Everyone has something to give, something to teach, and I'm a student of humanity.