The Wit to Woo...
The wit to woo… I'm a singer/song-writer/guitarist who also loves travelling, good conversation, the Arts, and reading non-fiction. I'm interested in social and political issues - I'm VERY left-wing - and rarely drink or smoke. (Much prefer a quiet restaurant to any pub.) I'm trustworthy - no time for dumb mind games - and compassionate and passionate in equal measures. Respect and trust are sadly all-too-rare qualities, but remain a "must" in any relationship.
What am I looking for? Honesty, passion, loyalty, fun, romance, love, companionship, patience, compassion... There! That's not too much to ask for, is it? (Oh, and someone who knows the difference between "your" and "you're".)
No Tories, drunks, junkies, chavs, or conspiracy theorists.