What do you think? Are they valuable? I have so much of these to give but there must be someone on the other end who needs it and wants it and can reciprocate.
I am aching for a REAL man who would put his arms around me and hold me strongly and I would do the same. It applies to every aspect of life.
I tend to think about myself as a strong woman who can overcome almost all obstacles that life throws at me. And believe me, it did, a lot actually.
I am very persistent and determined; if I want something, I will go for it no matter what even if it means that I can get hurt. Obviously I do get hurt a lot.
I talk a lot, and I mean a lot and am also loud. Definitely not the quiet, shy type; I love to express my thoughts and opinion and am very passionate about it. I can start a heated debate over bottled water; that is one of my "favorite" topics. So if you prefer bottled water over tap, we will have a little issue.

Also, I love being SILLY and it is crucial that you do as well.
I love nature; I feel a special connection with Newfoundland that I was fortunate enough to visit. I have never felt more at home, and I would move there in a heartbeat if I knew how to fish.

I am definitely a "northern" girl but can tolerate
the summer beach with the right person.
Oh, almost forgot: I love to sing and play the piano (my kids do not like it). Also, I'm planning on taking drum lessons. I'm fascinated by it.
I'm going through divorce and counting the days.....
What am I looking for? I'm looking for my best friend and lover. These two together include everything that a good and working relationship represents.